Table of Contents

Ten Categories

Fifty Themes

Sensitizing Questions and Prompts

Category I, Gathering History: The Start of Something New


Childhood: A New Life Begins

Home: Where is It? What is it? The Real, the Hope, the Wish

Family: Who Was and Is Your Family?

Work and Career

Purpose in Your Life

The Meaning of Money

Acquiring Money

Talents: The Old, Forgotten, Wished For and the New and Yet to Be

Category II, The Core of You


Your Inner Selves

Inner Critic

Giver and Taker/ Helper and Receiver. Good, Bad, Making Choices

Feminine and Masculine. Masculine and Feminine. Gender Fluidity

Category III, Choice Points


Where Have You Been in Your Life?

Pivotal Moments and Their Meaning

How will you remember? Your Belief, Filter, Definition of Who You Are

Gifts: Giving, Receiving, Tangible, Intangible

Category IV, Relationships


Relationships: The Good, The Troubles, What Needs Attention

Children and Pets


Friendships: The Sweetness and The Pain

Personal Boundaries: Where, When, and How to Draw the Line

Heroes or Heroines and Villains

Romance: Who Were/Are They, Those Romantic People in Your Life

Category V, Health and Well-Being


Physical Health

Your Body - Your Sexual Self

Your Mental Health

Category VI, Transitions


Living Alone

Limits. Loss


Category VII, Contemplating


Finding Your Voice


Being Old. Being Young

Lightness and Darkness in Every Life

Softening Up or Toughening Up

Walking the Spiritual Path

Category VIII, Discerning


Big Life. Little Life

Independence. Dependence. Are You Invested In One and Need To Find The Other?

Permanence. Impermanence

Risks Taken. Risks Not Taken

Rules of Your Life: The Latest and Greatest, The Old Standbys, What Is Right?

Truth and Fiction: What Is True In Your Life? What Is Fiction? What Is Clear? What Is Distorted?

Waking Up To … Letting Go Of …

Category IX, Celebrating


Firsts. Lasts. Holidays and Other Occasions

Happy Birthday: The Real, The Remembered, The Hoped For

Uncovering Treasures That Matter: A Thing. A Person. An Experience

Category X, What is ahead? Where to?


Legacy: Legacy Letter, Who Are You, and What Do You Value? The Toasts You Want To Hear

If Not Now, When?

What I Know To Be So

Where Are You Going in Your Life and How Will You Get There?

What Matters? Now What?